Wednesday 12 May 2010

Its so cold!

Have got the flu again. Never thought I would get so many colds and flu here. At the moment it is very cold. Its worse than England cold because there you have coats and central heating ect.

Its only the start of winter so more cold to come. The next group are going to be so cold, sure some idiot will shorts and t-shirts thinking its Africa! Hopefully the weekend will be warm.

Why wont the annoying boy behind me go away?

Friday 7 May 2010

Party In The Township!

Went to a braai (barbecue) in a township in Cape Town. Was so cool, like carnival without the hassle. Black, White(foreign whites; SA Whites don't go)coloured and everyone else that is not covered those three categorises.

Once you get here you are taught to fear the townships but that is were it is all happening. Felt very safe and more like Africa! Never seen so much meat in my life and really good too.

I had such a good laugh, and have made lots of SA friends now. They are all from Cape Town though not Mamre!

In Cape Town again today so hopefully going back there over the weekend!

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Uncle and Nephew 2

Uncle is on the left and Nephew is on the left. Both 3 years old.

Thursday 22 April 2010

Clubbing in Cape Town

Went clubbing in Cape Town is Saturday. Start off in an Irish Pub and a couple of guys there. I we had a great chat about Southern African politcs - some people here are enlighten!

The meet a Scottish guy who could get back to the UK because of the volcano ash. He visited Charlotte and I to have dinner in an Indian resturant with him and his two daughters. The resturant was so posh and lovely and the other guys from the pub joined us too.

Then charlotte and I went for a quick nap (as we had been drinking since 1pm) and then back out on Long Street at 12:30am. The place was buzzying full of bars and clubs. Made lots of friends; could not believe how friendly everyone was. I had a really good time. Its still not Africa, more like Maimi but a good night out, is a good night out!

Thursday 15 April 2010


It was my turn to present yesterday. Each week a group member chooses a global issues to discuss. There are 12 Millennium goals that the UN are trying to reach.

I choose HIV/AIDS because it is such a global problem that is crippling Africa, with the highest rate infection in South Africa. It is preventable and treatable, however having HIV in a developing country is far worse than having it in a developed country. I wont get into all the figures but 15,000 people a day worldwide are infected.

Knowing your status is key. But if don't have any testing facilities nearby and you can't afford to travel its not going to be a priority. Then if you can afford the life- saving drugs then why bother with testing? Also if you will be stigmatised and made to feel ashamed why would you tell people your status. All this is due to a lack of education and poverty, so being born poor means your more likely to have HIV/AIDS. Poverty is not just about a lack of money it takes away your choice too. Its not fair that just because you missed out on the birth lottery you should suffer more.

We must all be compassionate toward people who are living with this illness. HIV has no face - old, young, black, white, Straight, Gay, faithful, promiscuous. Lets all do our bit to stay safe and show love and support other with HIV and AIDS.

Saturday 10 April 2010

Robben Island

Went to Robben Island on Saturday.

Very rough sea there and back. I can't say it was good because its really not appropriate.

We had an ex- political prisoner show us around. He spent 11 years on Robben and we saw the very floor he spent on with 60 other prisoners.

Everyone thinks of Nelson Mandela and what he went through, but there were many others just as strong and inspiring. Robert Sobukwe was the only prisoner to be held in solitary confinement. The government thought he so influential that they made a new law just so they could keep him from other prisoners.

Most of the prisoners were black and some were coloured. Blacks received less food and worse treatment then the coloureds. Only one white person was ever sent to Robben Island. The authorities thought his mental capacity to be that of a black person, he was later sent to a mental hospital.

Crazy Country.

Weird things about South Africa

Young guys pull out their front teeth because it makes them look "Gangster"! They get false ones put in instead and take them out to show they are hard. It also apparently make them good kissers.

Coloured people here refer to Blacks as Africans.

There are still white only communities.

The fact that Coloured people even exist.

Very strange place.