Saturday 10 April 2010

Robben Island

Went to Robben Island on Saturday.

Very rough sea there and back. I can't say it was good because its really not appropriate.

We had an ex- political prisoner show us around. He spent 11 years on Robben and we saw the very floor he spent on with 60 other prisoners.

Everyone thinks of Nelson Mandela and what he went through, but there were many others just as strong and inspiring. Robert Sobukwe was the only prisoner to be held in solitary confinement. The government thought he so influential that they made a new law just so they could keep him from other prisoners.

Most of the prisoners were black and some were coloured. Blacks received less food and worse treatment then the coloureds. Only one white person was ever sent to Robben Island. The authorities thought his mental capacity to be that of a black person, he was later sent to a mental hospital.

Crazy Country.