Saturday 10 April 2010

The Creche

Impressed with the creche. Its far better than I expected with 3 classrooms and good facilities. The ages range from 2-6 years old and class sizes are decent. I am really not feeling the poverty. As I arrived for my first day of work the kids are eating breakfast. They start at 8am then have a snack at 11am and lunch at 12pm. They then nap for for an hour and a half and have a snack at 2pm.

Am teaching the 4-5 years olds, 6 girls and 10 boys in the class. They very rowdy and fight a lot with each other. They constantly running out of class and being little terrors. Of cause they all regularly need to go to the toilet too!

Their teacher Auntie Betty also smacks them and tells me to do the same. I think its good to smack (not give them beating) so I have no problem with this. However when I smack them they laugh, and when I smack them harder it hurts my hand and they laugh more. I pretended to throw one of the boys in bins outside but he thought it was fun and the rest of them all line up to have a go.

They are really sweet though and for the first two minutes of class am the biggest celebrity. I have to hug and high five them all and do a touch fists. They all speak Afrikaans, but understand English. I wish I could understand as they tell me these long stories. The other day I open a drink for one of boys and they said "thanks babe!" Maybe its a good thing I don't understand Afrikaans.

One of the kids in the older class called me a "Kaffir" which is what the Whites and Coloureds call Blacks. It basically means Shit. He got told off by the teacher, but obviously he is just a kid. I blame the parents.

The parents pay R40 a week for the creche and R30 for the transport. They all get picked up and drop of to homes is car called a Bakki. How many creche kids can you fit into a car at least 50 in back and 8 on the front Seat!