Saturday 10 April 2010

Mamre - Orientation

Our first day in Mamre had a walking tour. There is really not much to see here. We are forbidden to go to the two clubs in town and the pool bar. There is also a drinking ban on all volunteers in Mamre. (The last group did a lot of drinking, so we have to pay for their sins!)

Now Mamre is not nearly as poor as I had hopped, its more of a deprived area - high unemployment, alcoholism, youth disorder ect. The people live like kings compared to the township we visited. But you should always look deeper.

Our host Mother's father had recently died and they went to the funnel that day. The next day we went with them to a family Braai (barbecue). It was a get-together to celebrate their father's life, but it just seemed like a party.

They were obsessed that I was black and made no secret of it. I felt very uncomfortable and very aware of my skin colour. I have never felt so black as I did then. They were also the most random looking family I had ever seen, they all looked adopted. Even so they seemed to really like me and Charlotte and I went to the beach with them. Thank God my charisma shines through my skin.

Spent the first week not doing much and being assigned to our work places. I will be working in the creche and with Lief en Leed - the disabled group. We went to visit some of the Leif en Leed group in their homes and I saw other side to the town. Six people in a one bedroom house. Disabled people being looked after by elderly relatives. Lief en Leed meets in the community hall on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. They weave baskets and sew things which they sell to give themselves a little income. It is their dream to have their own place where they can go all the time.