Saturday 10 April 2010

Rules, Rules, Rules

SA is a dangerous country so they are alot of rules for our protection, but all we get from our supervisors here are "here are the rules, and by the way did we tell you about the rules"? We also hear lots of negative things about the last group. They must have done some good - they are working for free in your community. Its really getting the group down, plus its so boring and western in this town. Where is Africa?
Should have gone to Kenya!

I have to be home by 8pm, No drinking - all the locals are drinking, No gossiping - its a small town they all do it, no forming relations - you don't get to befriend anyone in the community, no clubbing - that all there is to do. Also you don't get to have a library card - because the last group didn't bring books back, even though they have donated lots in the past.

Not feeling very welcomed.